...a bike ride that started in vanuatu...and will hopefully end there...
About Me
- Name: h I r S c h
walked the appalachian trail from georgia to maine and the pacific crest trail from mexico to canada. spent three years in vanuatu with the peace corps and will now ride my bike until i stop riding my bike.
the sponsors
an incredible bike company that has not only provided me with the bike i am riding, the kona explosif, but also *unbelievable* support and kindness along the way. they are also involved with aids in africa and establishing bike parks all over our earth.
with few doubts, i have a soul. and without a doubt, my feet have two soles thanks to chaco, a company that is helping to keep wilderness wild.
a totally online outdoor gear store run by folks who don't just sell the stuff, they use it. and they've kindly decided to style me out with some gear for the remainder, whatever it is that actually remains, of this bike ride. plus, check out the sweet beard on that goat.
cascade designs (which includes msr, thermarest, and sealline) supports human-powered expeditions that attempt to do things a bit out of the ordinary. and msr has decided to support me with some much appreciated gear. but they also support more important things, like the backcountry bicycle trails club and the leave no trace program, to name just two.
need to stay warm? dry? break the wind (lord knows i need this...)? click here and check out their stuff - and - check out their sponsorship of a sweet expedition called 10 degrees latitude.
sombrio is run by cyclists, so you they make exactly what you would yourself if you had any skills when it came to needle and thread.
sierra designs has also signed on to help me spin these wheels to wherever it is they will spin. they are involved in appalachian and continental divide trail advocacy. what's more is that they purchased renewable energy certificates to offset 100 percent of their power with wind energy.
nutritious, organic, vegetarian, vegan, unprocessed, 100% natural...and...they're the best tasting energy bars i've ever placed in my mouth. what more could you want?
Previous Posts
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
okay...I told you you'd best take a gun.
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